MYBECCA ACOUSTIC FOAMS (wedges, eggcrates, pyramids, bevels & triangles) are effective sound deadener for standing waves and flutter echoes, especially when used with ACOUSTIC CORNER BASS TRAPS. It also reduces slap-back and room ring when used in medium-sized areas like isolation booths, recording booths, control rooms, and sound studios.:: With its straight-cut sides, these Acoustic Foams can easily be arranged side by side on a flat surface area (walls). ::: FOR DECORATIVE PURPOSES, wedges, egg crates and pyramids can also be arranged side-by-side with the acoustic bass traps, corner bass traps tramp and other bass acoustic foam. Thin foam, over a large area, has less of a chance of distorted and muffling the sounds reverberation. The uniform wedge design help trap airborne noise while alleviating flutter echo and slap back. This foam is ideal for spot-treating production studios, practice rooms or home entertainment centers. Also, this foam helps with smaller agitation echo complications. It is tested to effectively eliminate sound waves and flutter. Purchasing your own foam is the best way to tune your area without hiring a professional acoustician. This Foam will not deteriorate or fall apart over time. All that is required is dusting over long periods of time.